UAS tech: platforms, sensors, better data streaming and power management

  • Praetorian and DroneSense team up
  • Pergam Technical Services Inc. released the first UAS sensor designed to detect and measure methane gas
  • Panoptes Systems Corp. in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has developed the eBumper4, a sensor system that keeps UAVs a safe distance away from objects
  • Verizon Wireless and Florida-based Tayzu Robotics, a UAS manufacturer, are developing a site in the Cayman Islands to autonomously test the Skywire miniaturized Ethernet cellular router
  • Germany-based Skysense is working to develop a new product line for its drone charging stations. The company was one of 10 selected to participate in the Robotics Accelerator through the Qualcomm Inc. TechStars program.
  • and more…

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